Friday, December 15, 2006

Pinochet-- not such a bad chap

More from columnist extraordinaire, Frederick Forsyth. Today, he puzzles at why the recently departed General is such a hate figure for those on "the Left":

"To give credit where it is due, Pinochet did three good things. He restored a shattered economy and Chile remains prosperous to this day. He also restored democracy.
But in the Falklands War he did Britain favours that saved hundreds of British lives. A lot of it is still secret but basically we had secret radar scanners set up on his mountain peaks overlooking the Argentine bases."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lot of it is top secret but basically I, Frederick Forsyth, the world's greatest newspaper columnist and de facto leader of the resistance, have unrestricted access to MoD files

10:50 am  

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