This is what we do 2

Well-paid executive you've never heard of leaves for well paid executive job: Britain in crisis
Is it just me or is this Michael Grade story totally out of proportion? Sky has been gloating all morning while suggesting the BBC is collapsing, it's on all the front pages and news 24 has been like a dog chasing its tail
I was hoping Kay Burley would ask for some comments by text:
I'm totally gutted. Who will provide the BBC with the leadership it so desperately needs in these difficult post-digital times?John, Buntingford
I can't believe it. We loved your scheduling of Panorama in the 1980s Michael!!!Daisy, Brussels
What a massive load of old bollocks. Tom, you probably disagree but that's because you've been sent on too many training courses, or propaganda emersion sessions as I like to call them
No doubt eating licence-fee funded truffles and burning £50 notes while you were there
I was already annoyed - while a bit hungover - this morning when I turned on BBC breakfast and they were interviewing the writer of a new drama about the tsunami. How interesting and newsworthy - if only it were going out, say, on BBC2 this evening
At least there were no references to James Bond that I noticed
I tell a lie, not all of the papers have splashed on Grade. The Express warns the country faces a "tornado terror" today, but seeing as last week's new ice age failed to materialise I think I'll risk leaving my bunker
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