the (Deputy) King is dead...
Why does everyone want to be Deputy PM? So far Peter Hain, Jon Cruddas (whoever he is) and Harriet Harman have all thrown their hats into the ring. And that for a position that, until today's mea culpa from Prezza, wasn't even vacant.
But why the surge of interest? After the Prescott debacle, the new Deputy Prime Minister won't even get the pleasure of baiting the Daily Mail by approving the construction of thousands of homes, needle exchanges and wind turbines in the Thames Valley. Granted, Dorneywood looks nice - but otherwise surely it is the crappiest Cabinet position? Apart from Social Exclusion Minister, obviously.
And yet when it comes to the top job - you know, the one with the trips to the White House and the free Toyota Prius - everyone looks at their feet.
Am I missing something?
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