Monday, September 25, 2006

How to brief the papers

Great job by team GB ahead of his big speech. They gave the morning papers a few anodyne snippets like "New Labour renewed, not just holding the centre ground but modernising it in a progressive way too." Good for playing renewal bingo if not much else.

Although the advance quotes have a policy content of 0.2%, the Times is certain he will reassure Middle England he's not a crackpot lefty. The Guardian says he will focus on the environment, while the Indy thinks he will focus on tackling world poverty. The Mail, which is almost gushing, says he's going to offer a written constitution while the Sun says he's going to be as tough on terror as Tony.

Mentions of the Arctic Monkeys so far: one, he's "more interested in the arctic circle".


Blogger Daisy Ayliffe said...

he's obviously got popular culture on the brain.

2:25 pm  

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