Friday, March 16, 2007

Global warming was made up just for fun

I have a friend who's a climate change denier, and when they showed the Channel 4 show I said it was bound to start a backlash. Well done me, I was right. The mid-markets are already claiming man-made global warming if McCarthy/Salem - how long till someone compares it to the persecution of the jews?
Andrew Alexander in the Mail may have a cool name, but he pens the paper's nth article on the subject this week, liberal media conspiracy blah blah. It's headlined 'Are we being blinded by carbon science?' - the argument being you should ignore the science because politicans are all liars, and he goes on to provide his own unsubstantiated claim: "I will be humble [ha!]. There is an outside chance that the carbon controllers are right... The chances of them right is, let's be generous, five per cent." We can all pull statistics out of our bum. I've yet to read anyone who can explain why politicans are so keen to conspire in this expensive myth, although Alexander suggests it's to win the green vote. And we all know how big that is - I hear Stroud had a green mayor a few years back.
I've given up arguing about the science with my friend because neither of us has a clue what we're talking about, but as I always say - any camp not inhabited by the Mail's more lunatic fringe is the one for me.


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